
Dive Into Mermaid Core With Gabriela Berlingeri's Jewelry Line, Diciembre Veintinueve

Handmade in Puerto Rico.

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Dive Into Mermaid Core With Gabriela Berlingeri's Jewelry Line, Diciembre Veintinueve

Handmade in Puerto Rico.

While Gabriela Berlingeri‘s name rose to media headlines during her relationship with Bad Bunny, beyond the glare of the spotlight, the designer has diligently cultivated her own distinctive identity for years. Her diverse talents and notable achievements have been mirrored perfectly by her brand Diciembre Veintinueve, an independent jewelry company she founded in 2020.

Diciembre Veintinueve stands as a testament to her commitment to quality, functionality and innovative design. Her creations exude timeless aesthetics, all meticulously handcrafted with a unique twist. These exceptional pieces proudly bear the imprint of her home, Puerto Rico and it’s rich design heritage.

We had the opportunity to sit with down with Berlingeri herself at her studio in Puerto Rico and discuss the brand, it’s latest collection and what’s next for her. Keep scrolling to read all about it. 

Gabriela Berlingeri, Diciembre Veintinueve, Rhea Collection, Mermaid Core, D29, Bad Bunny, Puerto Rico

Diciembre Veintinueve started as a passion project for you. How did it grow to where it is today?

I’ve always been in awe of the way jewelry can express one’s individuality, not to mention the absolute transformative power it has in boosting our confidence. Diciembre Veintinueve was born from my personal need to express myself creatively and guide my professional path towards something that I considered meaningful. Yes, it is a business, but one conceptualized and built around self-expression and passion. I humbly believe that that’s what has contributed to its current level of growth. People are drawn to unique pieces that tell a story beyond just being accessories. Jewelry is definitely a language that can connect people all over the word. However, I’m still not used to seeing other people wearing my designs. They are so personal to me that it’s hard to grasp that they hold significance to others. I’m so honored that my passion has become a platform for a whole community. It truly is a dream come true.

The brand name is your birthday, does your horoscope (Capricorn) play any part in your inspiration or plans?

I have a confession that might disappoint some of you, I’m not too knowledgeable about astrology. However, from what I know, Capricorns are known for being perfectionists and having determined personalities. I am definitely confident that I am a perfectionist when it comes to my creative process and I am always determined in overseeing every detail of the brand to ensure it meets our community’s standards. So, if these traits are true, I can see a correlation. Now, my birth date is a whole other story. It falls right in the midst of one of my favorite seasons: Christmas and Christmas in Puerto Rico is no joke! We have the longest celebration in the world and my birthday lands right in the heart of this special time. It makes it so much more special for me to celebrate. This is why I believe the main essence of my inspiration comes from my beloved island, my greatest pride and joy.

Your latest collection, “Rhea” is very much giving #MermaidCore, can you tell us a little more about it?

“Rhea” was a spontaneous diary of my summer this year. I was determined to spend my weekends visiting places on the island that I had never been to. Although Puerto Rico is small in size, there is still so much to discover.  After visiting new and inspiring places, I noticed that at the end of the day, I felt better than I had ever felt before. That’s when I decided to materialize that inspiration into something I could share with my D29 community. It was very important to me to incorporate the lush color scheme of our nature into every piece. 

While doing so, I learned about the positive benefits of semi-precious stones and, surprisingly enough, they’re similar benefits to being in contact with nature. It was also important to me to be a source of education about the island’s flora, this is why there are pieces named after the scientific names of our typical trees and flowers. More so, this collection holds a special place in my heart because it has ignited an inspiration within our community to explore the beauty of our natural resources and understand more about its impact on our lives.

Gabriela Berlingeri, Diciembre Veintinueve, Rhea Collection, Mermaid Core, D29, Bad Bunny, Puerto Rico

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Each collection is so special to me for different reasons, as they represent different stages of my life. The “Memoir” collection was my breakthrough collection, symbolizing the moment when I found the courage to share what inspires me. However, if I had to say only one, I would give it to the “Rhea” collection. The fact that this collection has motivated people to explore our natural resources more fills me with joy. 

Your pieces are all handmade in Puerto Rico, is this detail near to your heart?

Absolutely! It is essential to me that  Diciembre Veintinueve supports local craftsmanship and plays a role in contributing to the local economic growth. I strive to continue to build opportunities within my company for other Puerto Ricans that, like me, have a passion for jewelry.

What’s a piece of jewelry that you can’t live without?

I have two items that I carry with me at all times, my Sansa Ring and my Sontse Necklace. I literally have them with me every single day. There have been occasions when I couldn’t wear them for various reasons, but I always make sure to keep them in my purse. They hold such significance to me that I can’t bring myself to part with them. They are like my personal good luck charms.

Gabriela Berlingeri, Diciembre Veintinueve, Rhea Collection, Mermaid Core, D29, Bad Bunny, Puerto Rico

With an internet fan base of over two million people, what’s something not a lot of people know about you that you would like to make known?

I’m not sure how interesting this might be to others, but a fun fact about me is that I play the piano. I took lessons for the majority of my childhood years and I still enjoy playing it once in a while today. Although I don’t share this on my social media, it is a very significant part of my personal life. 

an independent jewelry company she founded in 2020 Veintinueve have any in the works? If not, what’s next?

Well… I’m not able to reveal many spoilers just yet, but we will be reintroducing the “One of One” collection. For those who may not be familiar with the initial release, the “One of One” collection was the first-ever collaboration between D29 and The future is now, as our “One of One” collection Creative Director. This limited edition collection came to fruition as a means of preventing the wastage of unused metals, which typically take anywhere from 50 to 100 years to break down in our environment. 

These alarming statistics were more than enough to motivate us to seek sustainable solutions and reduce our ecological footprint. The “One of One” collection utilizes remnant materials from previous collections and repurposes them into handmade and one-of-a-kind pieces. By repurposing metals and jewelry, we can significantly contribute to the goal of becoming a more sustainable brand. While also providing  customers with an exclusive piece of jewelry that will make them feel just as one-of-a-kind. 

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Oct 4, 2023

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