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ugg uggextreme footwear outerwear boots jacket winter weather capsule collection cold
Hit the Streets or the Slopes With the All-New UGGextreme™ Capsule Collection by UGG
Update your winter wardrobe with the functional and fashionable range of all-gender footwear and outerwear.

Take on the wildest of weather conditions with the UGG brand’s new UGGextreme™ collection. From the streets to the slopes, the cold weather capsule delivers high-quality and high-performance pieces combating the harshest of climates. As temperatures decrease from coast-to-coast, the collection’s offering of functional footwear and outerwear will have you equipped to brave the elements in bold fashion.

The winter-ready collection arrives with an all-gender range that allows any and all wearers to take their winter wardrobe to new extremes. Technical design details meet style-savvy embellishments in the new line’s offering of comfortable and cozy boots.

ugg uggextreme footwear outerwear boots jacket winter weather capsule collection cold

As an evolution of the brand’s beloved all-weather silhouette, the Adirondack Meridian Boot provides powerful defense against cold and wet climates with a waterproof upper and gusseted tongue to repel moisture and is weather rated to -25.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Despite the snug signature UGGplush™ upcycled wool blend in the boots liner and sock liner, the skin still has room to breathe thanks to the innovative GORE-TEX® interior. The winterized Adirondack Meridian Hiker Boot is a shorter alternative to the aforementioned silhouette, Chelsea the same Vibram® Icetrek outsole boasting extra traction on icy or slippery terrain.

The Southern California-based global lifestyle brand makes a leopard statement with the Shasta Boot Tall and Shasta Boot Mid styles. The boot silhouettes bring maximalist touches to your wintertime wardrobe, with pops of pink decorating the hiker style and a caramel shade coating the Shasta Boot Tall. Both snow shoes possess the same tech-forward features as the collection’s other footwear offerings, in addition to impermeable leather paneling and a canvas collar filled with recycled polyester featherless down.

ugg uggextreme footwear outerwear boots jacket winter weather capsule collection cold

Sharing a similar aesthetic to the Shasta Boot Tall, the Shasta Down Puffer Jacket arrives as the line’s outerwear offering. Built to brave temperatures down to -9.94 degrees Fahrenheit, the jacket’s polar fleece pockets and luxe shearling-lined interior do just that seamlessly.

To suit up for winter weather in style, shop the UGG brand’s new UGGextreme™ collection available to purchase at, UGG stores and select wholesale retailers worldwide today.

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