Out of the world’s major fashion capitals, London is often regarded as the most experimental and subversive. Home to forward-thinking designers, stylists, and everyday fashion enthusiasts, the vibrant city has found a way to nurture adventurous style by embracing its diverse cultural influences.

Emerging fashion designer Chet Lo is one of the many creatives who channel London’s unique landscape in their practice, making him the perfect collaborator for Tinder’s first UK partnership. Moving from the US to study knitwear at Central Saint Martins in 2015, the designer’s early years in the capital are said to have been seminal to his cutting-edge blueprint as he fostered a love for unusual textiles in his go-to knitting studios and fabric stores. Now, residing in Shoreditch and working in the neighboring town of Hoxton, Chet Lo spends most of his time in east London where he continues to search for his next source of inspiration.

In the latest installment of Style Residency, Hypebae heads to the streets of east London, bringing Tinder and Chet Lo’s latest capsule collection into focus. Comprised of T-shirts, vests, and a beanie, the capsule sees the duo play on the tropes of modern matchmaking with each piece adorning graphic prints and tongue-in-cheek phrases. From the “Chaotic” vest with barbed wire and hearts to the spiked hat with “Kiss me” wording, the bold range carefully encapsulates Chet Lo’s typical themes of sensuality and seductiveness, resulting in a style-savvy outlet that sings to London’s desire for creative self-expression.

Bringing the playful pieces to life, the visuals come together as an intrinsically east London lookbook. The first fit kicks off the installment with high-octane style, amplifying the bold silhouette with the captivating backdrop of Liverpool Street’s skyscrapers. Pairing the “Don’t be sad. Ur so hot” T-shirt with lace stockings, knit shorts, and high-top winter boot, the blue-toned look is both comfortable-yet-complex, providing a masterclass in multi-dimensional layering.

In the more quiet and serene neighborhood around the Barbican Centre, the second ensemble appears distinctively lavish and bold to mirror the style of those who frequent gallery showcases. Using the “No-one’s type” T-shirt as the base, it introduces red tights and the capsule’s “Kiss me” beanie hat, enhancing the top’s red tones. These pieces are styled with a green velvet skirt and kitten heels to bring a night-ready feel to the outfit.

The final look to land in the installment is comparatively pared back. Showcased on the historical avenue of Brick Lane, the classic top and trousers combination is styled intentionally for creatives on-the-go. Though the outfit strikes with its overall baggy silhouette, subtle considerations can be seen in the dark black wash of the beige jeans matched with the black “I wear my heart on my sleeve” T-shirt or the jagged-edged earrings that offer a slight likeness to Chet Lo’s spiky graphic print.

Whilst the three outfits featured in visuals serve up three entirely different styles, they pinpoint the eclecticism of east London through the perspective of one bold collection. Whether you are heading to an art gallery or to one of many of the neighborhood’s wine bars, the lookbook shows how getting creative with a few accessories and matching mid-layers can elevate a single piece to fit the occasion.

Take a closer look at the full Style Residency feature by flicking through the galleries above.

“The Lovestruck Collection by Chet Lo for Tinder” is available to shop online now, head to the brand’s website to discover the full capsule.

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